
I DO Weddings
Our story starts in 2015. in a smaller space in Zagreb, and today we are proud of the fact that our big offer is now available in two luxury showrooms in the center of the city. In our assortment, you can find several world-known brands of wedding dresses and evening gowns such as Sherri Hill and Pollardi Fashion Group, and with our team of experts we create our own design which has shown to be one of the favorite choices among our brides.
Our Team

Jasna Matok
The Founder
“A customer talking about their experience with you is worth ten times that which you write or say about yourself.”
The Philosophy
Our biggest motive has always been providing our customers with the newest trends in the world of wedding fashion and constantly trying to find ways to give our brides the best experience they can get while looking for their dream dress.
What Our Happy Brides Say
"Jako lijepe vjenčanice i dovoljno šarolik izbor. Usluga daleko najbolja! Predivno, ljubazno osoblje. Preporučam svakoj mladenki!"
Ines Rodić Marušić
"Sve pohvale za usluzno i strpljivo osoblje, poklone vam svoju paznju bez pozurivanja i s puno pozitivne energije. Idealna haljina je kupljena 🥰."
Sanja Janžek Černošek
''Ugodni, ljubazni, susretljivi!! Preporučujem i mladenkama i kumama''
Martina Brkljačić Končić
"Sve pohvale djelatnicama...ljubazne i uslužne!!!!"
Antonija Skuncam
Curke moje, od ulaska do izlaska imale smo osmijeh na licu, zahvaljujuci djelatnici, jako ste nas usrecili, k tome jucer je bio dan srece😀😁😉. Vjera u dobre ljude je vracena😍😍😍
Josipa Franjević
Ako tražite lijepe haljine, ugodnu atmosferu, srdačno osoblje onda ste na pravome mjestu! Ovo je definitivno salon u kojem su najljubaznije djelatnice u Zagrebu ako ne i šire. Izuzetno dobra i kvalitetna usluga! 👏🎉
Nikolina Baranj